Hi, Amanda here.

amanda hazer athlete transition coaching

Something wasn’t quite right.

I had a background in neuroscience. An MBA focused on innovation and product development. And a very successful career at Fortune 500 companies and various startups.

I wasn’t fulfilled. At all. But my entire identity was based on the career I had built. What could I possibly do next?

life after sports coaching with amanda hazer

Completely paralyzed, I decided to get curious — and take a hard look at what brings me joy.

My career had been built on observing and creating behavior changes at big pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. And while I loved the idea of that work, I missed the human connection. My work wasn’t helping people move forward. That’s what I needed to do.

After figuring out what makes me tick, the fear started to lessen. I stopped doubting, and started planning.

I decided to take my skills and help women — specifically athletes — to use behavioral change to prepare for a fulfilling life beyond their sport.

Why athletes? Anyone who knows me knows I have a major passion for sports. Sports were my outlet, an escape that allowed me to be a kid and bring my energy into focus.

amanda hazer coaching getting started as a youngster
amanda hazer athlete transition coach as a kid

I see the paralyzing fear many athletes face when it comes to transitioning out of sports. And I know from personal experience, the earlier we start to face it, the stronger the outcome.

So let’s do it. Let’s move from fear to curiosity, together.